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Multi-Year Community Investment Funding from United Way Suncoast

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast is proud to be selected as a United Way Suncoast strategic community partner as we move into a new era this month with the launch of a multi- year funding commitment from the esteemed nonprofit leader.

United Way Suncoast kicked off its new fiscal year on July 1, 2022, by initiating the distribution of a three-year grant that will deliver $592,000 to Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast. The funds will be used to support Early Learning and Workforce Development programs.

Freddy Williams, CEO and President, expressed excitement about the support.

“We are grateful for the United Way of the Suncoast’s support of our mission and afterschool programs across the Tampa Bay Region. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast is a champion of community level change, and we will leverage the United Way’s investment, in partnership with businesses and our nonprofit partners, so that more youth are on track for high school graduation as evidenced by grade level reading and more teens being prepared for a career post-graduation. This holistic approach will build a prosperity pipeline that is not only a moral imperative, but an economic necessity for Pinellas County, the Tampa Bay Region, and the State of Florida.”

Our mission is to provide high quality out of school time Club experiences proven to ensure our young people, especially those who need us most, are on track to graduate from high school with a plan, demonstrate good character and citizenship, and live a healthy lifestyle.

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast serves over 21,000 youth across Pinellas County. For more information call 727.524.2427 and visit online at

The community investment represents a first in United Way Suncoast’s 98-year history — a three-year commitment to 88 nonprofits that will total nearly $18 million by fiscal year 2025. In past years, United Way Suncoast issued annual grants. The new approach will empower Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast to boost the strategic planning behind the program and grow together with United Way Suncoast.

“Our strategic community partners requested a change to multi-year funding and the reasons are clear,” United Way Suncoast CEO Jessica Muroff said. “It’ll create trends and allow us to

measure true impact; it’ll reduce the strain of the application process for the partners and UWS, and it’ll strengthen our ability to tell stories and fundraise.”

To learn more about how to give of your time, talent, and treasure, visit You can learn more about United Way Suncoast at


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